Having fun with vote4fun

Quickly organise a picture contest
Let's see who has the nicest home office desk! Or see who has the nicest Christmas tree this year!.
Good ideas like that always turn to a nightmare if you want to have a normal and quick contest through the traditional social media channels. Vote4fun is just the tool you need to do the job!
- Very simple to use,
- 1 post per participant
- 1 vote per participant.
- Limit the voting by email domain
- Follow the voting live!
What can you do with vote4fun?
Make your contest page attractive and explain your participants what your expect from them. Therefore you give your contest an own title and description. You let your participants know that you are the organiser as you add your company logo or a picture of the topic. Finally you can choose your own background to present your contest!
Easy administration
A Simple yet powerfull administration console helps you setting the correct parameters for your contest. You can clearly know when voting can start, you control who can post the voting items and when the voting stops.
Super clear results
As the voting is going on you can see the live results right on your dashboard. You decide when to publish the results of your contest. Everyone can only vote once with his email address. Cheating is not possible